
Advanced skin care, including personal hygiene, rely on tradition, own beliefs, and preferences so that the integrity of the barrier function of the skin is not compromised.
Skincare routines take all skin types into account, with different formulas for normal, oily, combination, dry, or extra sensitive skin. Advanced Skincare Routines include a broader mix of products to address more complex needs effectively.
Skincare routines take all skin types into account, with different formulas for normal, oily, combination, dry, or extra sensitive skin. Advanced Skincare Routines include a broader mix of products to address more complex needs effectively.
You Must Know About All Types of of Acne Problems You!
The clogging of the hair follicles with dead skin cells, dirt and sebum that connects the skin's pores to the oil glands causes acne, also known as acne vulgaris. It appears most often on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back. Whiteheads, blackheads or pimples are the most commonly known.
Hormones and heredity factors mostly result in acne. It peaks in the teenage years mainly, because growth hormone releases at a very high frequency during the adolescent stage.