
Some blogs are here today and gone tomorrow. This is because the owners have made some very critical mistakes. Below are some errors and solutions that you should keep in mind to avoid errors.
Give up your blog too soon
Blogs are not an overnight money maker. You can't just blog for a month or two and expect great results. Many people give up after just 3 blog posts. Blogging is not that easy. Do consistent blogging for at least 3-6 months and you should see the results you want.
Difficulty selling on your blog
No one will visit your blog to be sold. There's nothing wrong with making money from your blog, but don't do it at the expense of your readers. It's best to build a loyal following and then make product recommendations.
Don't post often enough
There's nothing worse than visiting a tech blog where the last post was 18 months ago. My recommendation is to post to your blog at least once a week, although 2-3 times a week would be ideal. Stop complaining that you don't have enough time. Turn off the TV for an hour and just do it.
Talking too much about yourself
Nobody cares what you ate last night or what you did on vacation unless it pertains to the niche you write about. Always provide interesting content that your visitors will want to read. Try not to get too personal.
Don't promote yourself and your blog
You may have the best blog in the world, but it doesn't matter if no one visits it. Take the time to promote your blog online and offline. Take advantage of social media sites and list your blog in blog directories and add your RSS feed to feed directories. Make sure to advertise your blog URL on your business cards as well. Join a carnival blog.
Starting a blog about something you are not passionate about
Confucious said that if you choose a job you like, you will never work a day in your life. Blogging should be fun and entertaining and not burdensome. Make sure you pick a niche that you are passionate about. If you don't, your blogging will become a chore for you and you will eventually stop worrying and quit.
Unattractive or difficult to read model
Nothing bothers readers more than hard-to-read blog posts. If your template isn't appealing or your font is an odd and hard-to-read color, you could scare off your readers and never come back. It is best to choose a sleek model with a white background and black letters.