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Key Inclusions
§ An overview of the overall landscape of BBB penetrationtechnologies, featuring an in-depth analysis of the technologies based on anumber of parameters, such as status of development (developed and underdevelopment), affiliated approach, type of compatible pharmacologicalmolecule(s) crossing the BBB (small molecule and biologic), target receptor(s),target disease indication(s), patent availability, and licensing activity. Inaddition, it presents a detailed assessment of BBB technology developers andanalyses based on parameters, such as year of establishment, company size, andlocation of headquarters.
§ A detailed assessment of the current market landscape ofBBB penetrant drugs (based on the abovementioned technologies), providinginformation on drug developer(s) (such as year of establishment, company size,and location of headquarters), phase of development (clinical, preclinical, anddiscovery stage), type of molecule (small molecule and biologic), affiliatedBBB penetration technology, route of administration (oral, intravenous,transmucosal and others), target disease indication(s), key therapeuticarea(s), and information on special drug designation (if any).
§ Identification of contemporary market trends, depictedusing three schematic representations, which include [A] a tree maprepresentation of the various industry players involved in the development ofBBB penetrant drugs, distributed on the basis of the target diseaseindication(s) of pipeline candidates and size of the companies (small,mid-sized and large companies), [B] a bubble analysis comparing the leadingplayers engaged in the development of BBB penetrant drugs, on the basis ofparameters such as pipeline strength (based on the number of drug candidatesdeveloped by a particular company, across different phases of development),number of target disease indication(s) and the size of the developer company,and [C] an informative heptagon representation, highlighting the distributionof BBB penetrant drugs across popular target disease indication(s) (based onthe number of drug candidates across each target disease indication).
§ An insightful competitiveness analysis of BBB penetrationtechnologies, taking into consideration the supplier power (based on companysize and years of experience in this field) and key technology specificinformation, such as type of compatible pharmacological molecule(s) crossingthe BBB, availability of patent protection, number of deals signed for aparticular technology (2014-2020 (till March)), and popularity of thetechnology (in terms of the number of drugs developed using the technology).
§ Elaborate profiles of prominent technology developers thatare engaged in the development of at least four drugs (which are presently inboth preclinical and clinical stages of development), featuring a briefoverview of the company, its financial information (if available), BBBpenetration technology overview, BBB penetrant product portfolio and aninformed future outlook.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been establishedin the domain, in the period between 2014 and 2020 (till March), coveringproduct licensing agreements, technology licensing agreements, acquisitions andmergers, product development and commercialization agreements, research anddevelopment agreements, manufacturing agreements, service agreements and otheragreements.
§ An elaborate discussion on the deal structures of varioustypes of technology licensing agreements inked in this domain, includingdetails of the rights associated with product ownership, associated royaltiesand upfront payments, and other contractual terms / conditions involved as apart of the agreement between various industry stakeholders.
§ An analysis of the investments made in the domain, in theperiod between 2014 and 2020 (till March), including seed financing, venturecapital financing, debt financing, grants, capital raised from IPOs andsubsequent offerings, at various stages of development in companies that areengaged in this field.
§ An in-depth analysis of the various patents that have beenfiled / granted related to BBB penetration technologies, till November 2019,taking into consideration various parameters, such as patent type, applicationyear, issuing authority / patent offices involved, CPC symbols, emerging focusareas, type of organization and leading industry / academic players (in termsof size of intellectual property portfolio). It also includes a patentbenchmarking analysis and a detailed valuation analysis.
§ An insightful chessboard analysis highlighting the mostpreferred / popular drug development strategies / paths adopted by majority ofthe drug developers (with clinical candidates) in order to progress their leaddrug candidates.
§ An assessment of the most commonly targeted disordersaffecting the CNS (shortlisted on the basis of number of BBB penetrant drugs indevelopment), along with [A] an insightful 3D bubble chart highlighting themarket potential of these disorders, based on the number of already approveddrugs, number of pipeline drugs and the target patient population, and [B] anelaborate discussion on key epidemiological facts about specific diseases,causes, symptoms, details of BBB penetrant drugs that are being developedagainst them, currently available treatment options and details of alreadymarketed drugs for each indication.
§ A list of 240+ drug developers targeting Alzheimer’sdisease and Parkinson’s disease that are likely to partner with BBB penetrationtechnology providers, and have been shortlisted on the basis of parameters,such as developer strength (based on company size and years of experience inthis field), company’s pipeline strength and maturity (based on the number of drugsand affiliated stage of development), indication overlap, molecule typeoverlap, route of administration, mechanism of action, and the availability ofin-house delivery technology.
§ A case study highlighting the working principle of the mostcommon approaches that are being employed for the development of BBBpenetration technologies, such as receptor mediated transcytosis (RMT)(including bispecific antibodies and molecular trojan horse mediated deliveryeither by direct coupling or using nanocarriers), increasing permeability tothe BBB, passive diffusion approach, and other novel approaches (includingcell-penetrating peptides, macrocycles, and organ-on-a-chip technology).
§ An informative analysis of contemporary Google Trends inthe time period between 2015 and 2019 (till December) and insights generatedfrom recent news articles related to the BBB, indicating the increasingpopularity of this domain.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Type of Payment ModelAdopted
§ Upfront payments
§ Milestone payments
§ Type of Molecule
§ Small Molecules
§ Biologics
§ Target DiseaseIndication
§ Brain Metastases inBreast Cancer
§ GlioblastomaMultiforme
§ Hunter Syndrome
§ Hurler Syndrome
§ Leading TechnologyPlatforms
§ G®-Technology
§ J-Brain Cargo®Technology
§ LRP-1 Technology
§ Trojan HorseTechnology
§ Leading DrugDevelopers
§ 2-BBB
§ Angiochem
§ ArmaGen
§ JCR Pharmaceuticals
§ Key GeographicalRegions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
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Key Questions Answered
§ Whoare the leading developers of BBB penetrating drugs and technologies?
§ Whatare the key BBB penetrating technologies (available / under development)for delivery of CNS drugs?
§ What are the keychallenges faced by stakeholders engaged in this domain?
§ Whichpartnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders in this industry?
§ Who are the most likelypartners for BBB penetrating technology providers?
§ What different strategies areused by BBB drug developers?
§ Whatis the trend of capital investments in BBB related R&D?
§ How is the currentand future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key marketsegments?
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