Ten Tips For Getting More Blog Comments
Ten Tips For Getting More Blog Comments
Ten Tips For Getting More Blog Comments Ten Tips For Getting More Blog Comments

Do you have a blog but wish you had some comments on it? Try these 10 easy ways to get more comments.


1. Just ask. If you don't ask, you don't get it. It's really that easy. The worst that could happen is people don't leave comments so you're aren't worse off just by asking. When you do ask, chances are people will respond.


2. Get help. Tell your readers you need help deciding for example, help picking out a new hairstyle, color for your home office, new computer, help with a new logo design. You get the idea.


3. Give them a chance to self promote. Tell people you are building a resource list and ask if they could contribute any relevant sites, even ones that they own.


4. Ask them to complete an action. For example, you say you're writing a report about seven most common gardening problems but you've found only four. Tell them to come up with the other three and the ones chosen to be included in your report will get credit on your report.


5. Ask people to share their reviews and opinions on a product you've blogged about, even if it's an affiliate product. By allowing both positive and negative reviews you will earn more credibility as someone who's not just out for a quick buck. This is a good long-term strategy and if you have this happen enough people will come back for that.


6. Offer comments subscription. People are used to forums. Whether they contribute to a discussion or not, they like to get notified when someone else has something to say about a post. Make it easy for them to follow the conversation by offering a way to subscribe to comments both by email and RSS.


7. Tap into your network, customers or your list. Tell people about your posts and encourage them to visit and let you know what they think about the it or if they have further thoughts to add. You could also ask customers to blog about you and trackback to your blog.


8. Give away something and ask 6streams  to share their thoughts and reviews by posting a comment to your blog.


9. Slow down. Maybe you're posting too often that your readers just can't keep up with your posts let alone stop to comment.


10. Extend a discussion. Blog about something you read on another blog, news, magazine or other media then invite readers to share their thoughts. This usually works very well for hot topics of the day, week or month.