
ISO 9001:2015_ISO 27001:2013
Fund Accounting | Transaction Processing | Financial Statement Preparation
Private Equity investment is increasing at high rate and favorite among investors and allocating maximum investment to PE Funds. Private Equity funds tend to approach outsourcing service provider due to increasing numbers of investors in PE in recent time.
Approach towards middle and back office outsourcing services is to avail specialize expert team of professionals to manage their daily transactional records accurately and daily NAV valuation for their investors and to provide better transparency of investment portfolios.
Managing PE funds needs high attentions at micro level which can consume Investment managers valuable time instead of focusing on their primary responsibilities. Fund Accounting and other back office operations can be outsourced to generate better returns for their investors, which provides them better resources and technologies to improve their performance accurately and efficiently.
IBN Technologies Limited is an outsourcing specialist co-op with a client base covering the USA, UK, Middle East and India. IBN has a State of the Art Global Delivery
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