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Antivirus are one of the most useful software nowadays and the digital world enhancement leads are the major reason behind their emerging growth. McAfee is the one that stands on the top even amidst the most advanced antivirus with its premium specs and features. The users who are willing to install McAfee on their device should visit Learn everything about downloading, installing, and activating McAfee through the below-mentioned guidelines.
How to Make an Account of McAfee
If the users are trying to make a McAfee account, then they should carefully apply the given steps.
- Reach the preferred browser of the PC.
- Thereafter, insert into the address bar.
- You should locate and choose My Account.
- Go to the Sign-up button.
- Then input the credentials in the shown boxes.
- You have to set a password and username for the McAfee account.
- Later, click on the Agree button.
- Now, the account of McAfee is created successfully.
In case you intend to download McAfee antivirus for the main device, then you can opt to follow the below-mentioned guidelines.
- Once again, go to the desired web browser on the PC.
- Thereafter, enter into the address section and hit the Enter key.
- You should locate and click on My Account.
- Navigate to the Sign-up button and choose it.
- Input the information into the shown boxes.
- Now, input password and username for the account to sign-in.
- Click on the Subscription button.
- Then reach the shown list and select the device OS.
- Go to the Subscription button that you pursue to download.
- Select the Download option.
- Hit the Yes button to confirm.
- Now, the downloading will begin in a few seconds.
If the users are trying to download McAfee to another device, then they should carefully apply the given steps.
- Launch the desired browser on the PC.
- Then insert into the search section and hit the Enter button.
- Locate and select My Account.
- You should click on the option of Log-in.
- Insert the account info in the shown box to sign-in.
- Choose the subscription button.
- Reach the shown list select the device OS.
- Navigate to the Download option and select it.
- On another device, select the Download button.
- Then input email ID into the shown boxes.
- You have to choose the option of Send Link.
- In another device, reach the email application.
- You should sign-in to the above-given email ID.
- Then locate the email from McAfee.
- Select the Download Link option.
- Now, McAfee downloading will begin shortly.
In case you intend to install McAfee antivirus, then you can opt to follow the below-mentioned guidelines.
- Navigate to the Windows logo on your system.
- After that, reach the search section and locate the McAfee downloaded file.
- After locating, launch the downloaded file to begin the installation process.
- Now, McAfee will successfully be installed on your device.
If the users are trying to activate McAfee antivirus, then they should carefully apply the given steps.
- You should launch the device.
- After that, open the desired web browser.
- Input into it and hit the Enter key.
- Reach the My Account section and click on it.
- You have to insert the credential of account to Sign-in.
- Click on the option of ‘Language & Country.’
- Reach the shown list and select the provincial country and language.
- Then give a registered email ID.
- In the shown text section, input the 25-digit Activation Code.
- Click on the Enter button to begin the activation.
- Now, the selected subscription of McAfee is effectively activated.