
Why use a Protective FaceMask?
Protective masks protect againstairborne and liquid transmitted diseases. These filtering masks are tested toCE standards and reach the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Inthe case of outbreaks of Avian Flu, SARS, and Coronavirus, the CDC andGovernment suggest their use.
These hygiene respirators arehalf-masks that cover the nose and mouth. The mask is held in place by twoelastic headbands, and also have a small metal section that sits across thebridge of the nose when in use.
FFP2 / KN95 mask are easy to use andcan be worn by anyone for protection against the Coronavirus. They arelightweight and non-bulky, ensuring comfortable use. The adjusted fit over theface stops shifting and gives for a unique range of movement. It is perfect fordaily use, for wear at home and at work, and can be used when traveling outside– to the chemist, store, and commuting, etc.
Benefits of using theFFP2/KN95 Protective Face Mask
A KN95 maskcan be used 2-3 times, and a peak of 6-8 hours, if care is taken not to infectthem and they are hung out in a well-ventilated area between uses
Filtration efficiency ≥ 95% |Flat folding | five-layer design
The five-layer (enhanced comparedto cheaper four-layer versions sold by others) fabric protects against airborneallergens, pathogens, and pollen greater than 0.3 microns.
The filtration system has anequal to or greater efficiency than 95%, providing high respiratory healthprotection.
These masks are disposable, whichdrives to better hygiene and reduced contact with infections. Since the maskfolds flat, it is easy to store and convenient for travel.
How to use Face Masks
- Clean your hands before touching the mask, then unfold the KN95 mask.
- Hold the mask with your palm with the nose piece at your fingertips, hang straps freely either side below your hands.
- Wear the mask on the face and under your chin, then pull the elastic band behind the ears and untwist the straps, placing it low on your nose.
- Using both hands, mold the nose piece by pushing downward and outward on both sides with your fingertips.
- Check your mask is fitted correctly by placing both hands ultimately over the mask and exhaling sharply, not disturbing the mask's position. If air leaks around your nose, alter the nosepiece as described above.
Additional Protection Methods
As well as using protectivemasks, please follow the suggested hygiene practices to protect yourself fromviruses, including the Coronavirus.
- Frequently wash your hands, and use an alcohol-based cleanser.
- Evade touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Trash of used tissues in a covered bin.
- Wrap your mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing
- Keep a distance of at least 2 meters when insocial situations.