
It is a java based framework to work on auto-configuration in Web Application. It automatically configures your application based on the dependencies you have added to the project by using @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation. The entry point of the spring boot application is the class that contains @SpringBootApplication annotation and the essential method. It will automatically scan all the components included in the project by applying @ComponentScan annotation. It resolves dependency management by providing a set of dependencies for developers’ convenience.
For example, Let’s see the following few Spring Boot Starters used for:
- Actuator dependency – To monitor and manage your application.
- Security dependency – For Spring Security.
- Web Dependency – To write Rest Endpoints.
- Thyme Leaf Dependency – To create a web application.
- Test dependency – For writing Test cases.
Spring Boot Auto Configuration automatically configures your spring application based on the JAR dependencies you added to the project. The entry point of the Spring Boot Application is the class that contains @SpringBootApplication annotation. This class should have the essential method to run the Spring Boot application. The annotation @SpringBootApplication has Auto- Configuration, Component Scan, and Spring Boot Configuration. If you added the annotation @SpringBootApplication to the class, then you do not need to add the @EnableAutoConfiguration, @ComponentScan, and @SpringBootConfiguration annotations. The annotation @SpringBootApplication consists of all other annotations.