The purpose of garage doors issimple – going up and down, over and over again. A high-quality garage door canbe functional for decades. However, to ensure it lasts that long, you requireto ensure that you get your garage door inspected for any repairs ormaintenance work that it may need.
Sometimes, issues with garagedoors may go unnoticed. However, closer observation will definitely make theseproblems evident. The common garage door problems that call for garagedoor repair have been listed down below.
1. A Vibrating Opener
A vibrating opener may seemharmless at first. However, if you notice vibrations coming from the opener,you should get it inspected and repaired immediately. These vibrations are usuallyan indication that the motor’s armatures have worn out or its shafts have beenbent. As a result, the opener may shake at the points where it has beenmounted. Whatever the cause of the vibrations is, a vibrating opener may breakfree and fall, putting you and your car at risk.
2. GarageDoor Opens and Reverses
One of the most common problemswith a garage door is when it opens and reverses. It indicates a problem withthe security sensors that are located at the bottom of the door frame. When thathappens, you should check the garage door to make sure that the sensors arealigned. However, if aligning the sensors doesn’t fix the problem, your garagedoor might need thorough repair and maintenance.
3. Unusual Noises
Traditional chain drive openersare noisy but to a tolerable level. However, as they get older, they becomenoisier. When your garage door starts making noises that are louder than theyshould be, you may need to opt for garage door repair and get a new belt driveinstalled.
4. Unresponsive Opening
Your garage door may not respondwhen you use the remote control or press the buttons on the panel. This may bedue to a problem with the wiring or the logic board of the opener. When thathappens, you will need to contact a garage doorrepair service provider.
5. Worn-Out Springs
A garage door consists of extension springs thatprovide a counterforce to the weight of the door and allow the door to beraised and lowered with a just a little force. If you see that your garage dooropening and closing with great difficulty or it feels heavier if you trylifting the door by hand, it calls for garage door repair.