
How ADHD is a psychological problem?
There is no harm in always being active, rather it only gives success in life. Problems occur when a person's personal, social and professional relationships with his / her daily routine and health are also affected due to hyperactivity.
If a person has irritability in behavior and is unable to complete any of the tasks correctly despite being hyperactive, then it can be a symptom of a psychological problem called ADHD ie Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder.
ADHD is divided into two categories, based on the prominence of its symptoms - type of attention type and hyperactivity. In the first situation, a person has a lot of difficulties concentrating on any one task. This makes his behavior extremely irritable. In the second case, the person becomes unnecessarily active, but this activity is mostly negative.
Cause of ADHD
Scientists are doing research on this and so far, the obvious reasons have not been identified. Yet it has a deep connection to heredity. If a parent or a close relative of the blood relation has ADHD, then an infant born in such a family may also have this problem congenitally. Research has also found that this problem is also due to the difference in brain structure congenital. This can also happen due to neurotransmitter imbalance and internal head injuries.
Testing and treatment
The condition of the patient (both children and elder) is assessed by the expert only on the basis of the behavior of the patient and the symptoms reported by his family. The method of treatment is chosen on the basis of the same. However, it's permanent. There is no treatment, but its symptoms can be managed by behavior therapy. The drug is used as the last wiki app. The patient is given behavioral training, which proves to be beneficial for him. Nevertheless, the family of the victim must remain vigilant. To maximize the potential of people with ADHD, they need to be supported and trained because it cannot be completely overcome, but it is possible for a person to lead a normal life by managing its symptoms.