
Thestate service examination is one of the toughest examinations in India andrequires a thorough preparation. Numerous candidates appear for the examinationevery year, but only a few emerge successful. To improve your preparationstrategy for mppsc, you need to follow certain rules. Some strategies thatimprove your chances of clearing the state service examination MPPSC:
Concentrate onBasics
As the pattern of the examination has changed overthe times, it is essential for the candidates to clear their conceptspertaining to different subjects. The stress is more on the concept clarity andnot simply mugging the data without any understanding. Refer to the books toget your concepts cleared for an effective understanding of the subject. Devotegood amount of time for getting your basics cleared.
Plan Your Schedule
The candidates should plan their studies carefullykeeping in mind the syllabus and time left for the mains examination. Necessarytime should be devoted to carry out the revision. You should pay appropriateattention to both general studies and aptitude sections. Allot time based onthe amount marks allotment for subjects in the exam. At least the last 45 daysbefore the exam should be dedicated towards revision.
Keep Revising
Don’t forget your memory has an expiry date. Youare likely to forget the important points if revision is not carried out atregular intervals. Make handy mppsc notesof the essential topics so that you can revise easily few days before theexamination. If you keep revising at regular intervals, it becomes easier torevise before the exam and recall the important points during the examination.
Solve PreviousYear Question Paper for Mppsc
Candidates should solve previous years questionpaper as it gives you an idea about the type of questions asked in the stateservice examination. Apart from this, this practice also helps the candidatesin increasing the speed and accuracy significantly. Solving mock test papersalso aid the aspirants in selecting the most appropriate options during theexamination. Candidates can even join various mppsc testseries exam preparation to qualify the examination.
Concentrate onEcology, Environment, and Culture
Numerous questions are asked from the subjects likeecology, environment, art, and culture. This is been the recent trend in theexam and the lesser questions come from the traditional areas. Therefore, it isimportant to pay attention to them while preparing for the state serviceexamination. These subjects need to be studied in detail by referring to thebest sources. To prepare these subjects, you can also refer to MPPSC exam studymaterial of some of the reputed mppsccoaching institutes. These subjects are scoring helping youto score good marks.
Candidates fromDifferent Backgrounds
Students from different backgrounds must plan theirstrategy accordingly. Candidates from non-engineering background should focusmore and devote a good amount of time for the preparation of Prelims paper andthe number of questions asked is more. Other candidates who are confident aboutPrelims should not ignore the paper. Although it is qualifying paper, it’s nota risk worth taking for it can spoil your entire preparation.
Join a Reputed MPPSCCoaching Institute
It is possible to crack the MPPSC examination ifyou have joined a reputed coaching institute like Sharma Academy. The MPPSCcoaching in indore institute streamlines yourstudy and keeps you updated about the changes in the examination patterns. Theyprovide you online test series for state services so that you can understandthe type of questions asked in the examination.
Theseare some of the necessary rules which every candidate must follow to qualifythe MPPSC examination with good numbers.