
Sleep apnea is increasingly becoming prevalent in the United States. Over 25 million Americans are sleep apnea patients. Many of them require a CPAP machine to help them sleep through the night. Are you part of this group? If so, how good are you at maintaining and cleaning your CPAP equipment?
Did you know that you are supposed to be devoted to keeping your CPAP clean and functional? If you have not been keeping up with your CPAP cleaning and maintenance, this article if for you! Keep reading! Below are the benefits of using a CPAP cleaner and tips on the right way to use one to get great results.
Why Do You Need to Clean Your CPAP?
There are various reasons why you require to make regular CPAP cleaning a part of your routine. Here are three outstanding benefits of regular cleaning.
Better Seal
If your CPAP mask is covered with oil, dirt, and grime, you are going to have a difficult time getting it to stay in place. If you cannot get a good seal between your CPAP mask and your face, that will hinder its ability to work as expected. Consequently, you may end up waking up during the night because your airway cannot stay open. Cleaning your CPAP eliminates the oil, dirt, and grime.
Less Germ Exposure
Think of how many germs have the potential to accumulate on and in various parts of your CPAP device. Bear in mind that they can breed on the mask and in the tubing and humidifier. If you want to reduce the amount of germs and bacteria to which you may be exposed regularly, an easy way to do this is by ensuring that you are cleaning your CPAP often.
Better Overall Health
Reducing your germ and bacteria exposure can lead to improved overall health.
Research indicates that CPAP users are more likely to get pneumonia than those who do not, likely because of all the germs they are exposed to each night.
To avoid this and other illnesses, make cleaning your CPAP equipment and parts a priority.
Clean Your CPAP Today
As a CPAP user, you should definitely make cleaning it a priority. You also need to ensure that you are correctly using a dedicated CPAP cleaner to get the best results.
We have tons of various types of CPAP cleaners and cleaning supplies. You can order from the comfort of your own home. Click here for more information about lumin bullet.