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Complete the attached quiz. Quiz is attached
Complete the attached quiz. For Ethical And Legal Topics In Business. There are 40 questions. There is no additional info. Thanks.
1. Which crime is BEST represented by the following situation?
Jeff decides that it is time to clean up his act and stop manufacturing bong pipes in his basement. He uses $15,000 from bong pipe sales to open a children’s toy store. The next day, the police bust Jeff for his sale of drug paraphernalia.
Jesse’s mother dies. Due to the trauma, Jesse breaks into an ice cream shop and steals all the ice cream and is later caught.
Ginger works at a shop as a mechanic. One day at work, a fellow employee is pinned under a car when a jack fails. Ginger rushes over to help, and while trying to lift the car suffers a stroke.
The union at Elsa’s firm is on strike because the company has not been following OSHA safety standards. During the strike, management hires a new person to take Elsa’s place. When the strike finally ends, Elsa wants her job back.
Ella makes minimum wage. Her job title is “System Assembly Supervisor.” She primarily spends her workday putting together electronic components. She is asked to work more than 40 hours this week to meet a deadline.
The union at Cherry’s firm is on strike because it wants higher wages. During the strike, management hires a new person to take Cherry’s place. When the strike finally ends, Cherry wants her job back. Which of the following is true?
Al’s Fine Winery has had workers attempting to ban together to form a union. Al’s wants to avoid letting the workers gain too much power by eliminating new workers’ option to join a union at all. Al’s will likely utilize ____________.
Noel is on break at work and is bored. He climbs up on a conveyer belt and comically uses it as a treadmill. He slips on the belt and falls down, and his hand gets stuck in the belt and is injured. Noel’s actions are typical, and his employer knows that he usually engages in this kind of behavior.