
Tag: Medical device importer

Importing Medical Devices Into the United States

The European medical device (MD) market is estimated to be worth around €14...

  • growthImports

Medical Device Advertising Requirements in United State...

Every step of medical devices logistics importing, selling, and marketing i...

  • growthImports

Importers: What Do The MDR and IVDR Actually Demand?

GrowthImports is an independent European wide MDR compliant importer that p...

  • growthImports

MDR Impact on Importers & Distributors | GrowthImpo...

An Importer has different responsibilities from the other Economic Operator...

  • growthImports

UK Responsible Person (UKRP), UK Responsible Person Med...

Freyr provides United Kingdom Responsible Person (UKRP) services to foreign...

  • freyr