
Youve read about the importance of being courageous, rebellious and imaginative. These are all vital ingredients in an effective advertising campaign. However, they must be tempered with the most important ingredient of allstrategy.
As long as the advertising industry has been in existence there has been debate about whether advertising is art or commerce. Quite frankly, this kind of divisive argument is a waste of time and has only helped to diminish what little respect the industry has earned through the years. Besides, the answer is simple. Advertising is the art of commerce.
It cant be pure art because pure art wont engage the consumer on behalf of the brand. Art can certainly get peoples attention, but it rarely causes them to take action. If the consumer is not actively engaged, the brand wont grow. If the brand doesnt grow, the company wont profit. And if the company ceases to make a profit, it dies and takes its brand with it.
On the other hand, advertising cant be mere commerce because capitalism, in and of itself, is not pretty. It doesnt make people sit up and take notice. Pure commerce deals with the exchange of money for goods and services. How boring is that. Besides, you dont want to encourage simple commerce. You want to promote branded commerce. That is what makes 샌즈카지노 strategy so important.
Lets be clear. Were talking advertising strategy. Advertising is not marketing. Marketing involves several disciplines including product,