12 helpful tips for doing 3d crystal
12 helpful tips for doing 3d crystal
12 helpful tips for doing 3d crystal

When it comes to giving gifts for any occasion that may occur during the year, most of us struggle to get that perfect something that conveys exactly the right message. As gift-givers, we have to consider the recipient's tastes, our relation to them, functionality, and-of course-price; as well as making our gift seem as if it took some thought in purchasing it. With all of these variables in mind, it is no wonder most of have such a hard time finding just the perfect thing! But...a piece of handmade pottery not only fits any occasion, but personalize it, and it instantly becomes the perfect gift for anyone and any occasion-it's great for every day gifts to yourself too! Read on to see how personalized pottery gifts make your gift-giving life easier.


One of the best occasions for handmade pottery that wood engraving has been personalized is of course, a wedding gift. Retailers offer handmade pottery mugs, platters, dinnerware sets, pitchers, garden planters-you name it-and it can all be personalized with a custom design and/or groom and bride names and date of the wedding. The same can apply to anniversaries: custom letter the names of the happily married couple and how many years they are celebrating to show them you care.


Another big occasion is the birth of a friend's, family member's, or co-worker's baby. While diapers and clothes can always be helpful, they aren't thoughtful gifts. Instead, you