
Tag: Steven Polmans

TIACA welcomes 6 new members to Board of Directors

The new Board members bring a wealth of experience from the airport, airlin...

  • LogisticsUpdateAfrica

Sustainability gains popularity in air freight industry...

Only 50 per cent of companies communicate their Sustainability outcomes wit...

  • LogisticsUpdateAfrica

Sustainability is gaining traction in air cargo industr...

The findings of the research will also feed TIACA's overall sustainability...

  • stattimes

Safety, security, sustainability, digitalisation in pri...

Sustainability took a centre stage for the meet as TIACA announced United C...

  • stattimes

TIACA announces sustainability roadmap for air cargo in...

The roadmap examines the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals an...

  • stattimes

TIACA re-appoints Chair Steven Polmans and Vice Chair S...

The Board of Directors considered and approved an additional term for the c...

  • stattimes