
Tag: invisalign dentist

What to Avoid During Your Treatment - City Orthodontics...

We’ve all been there – coming back from a dental procedure that was complet...

  • cityorthopeds

Invisalign Treatment cost - How Much is Invisalign Trea...

The exact price of Invisalign braces, just like any other dental procedure,...

  • cityorthopeds

What are the risks of Invisalign

The idea of wearing braces for a year (or three!) can be frustrating, but t...

  • cityorthopeds

How Are the Options Similar for Invisalign

The orthodontist takes the time to explain it’s natural for adults to get b...

  • cityorthopeds

What About Invisalign Treatment

You sit down at the computer to do some research, dreading the thought of c...

  • cityorthopeds

Pros and Cons of Invisalign vs Braces

As you probably know, there are two popular, effective options for straight...

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