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joined at 3 years ago

    What Do You Want in Research journal Publishing? A Revo...

    In the life of an academic, journal publishing is critical. It hurts if som...

    • Pubrica

    Grant writing for creative medical research – Pubrica

    Medical research facilities should have high-quality research, and an ethic...

    • Pubrica

    Grant writing for creative medical research: Time to re...

    Medical research facilities should have high-quality research, and an ethic...

    • Pubrica

    Current research on the influence of open access to the...

    The study examines recent research on the influence of free access (open ac...

    • Pubrica

    Research on the impact of open access to scientific lit...

    The study examines recent research on the influence of free access (open ac...

    • Pubrica

    #Medicalwriting consulting services|solutions - #Pubric...

    A world pioneer in paper support services for scholarly and science publica...

    • Pubrica

    Reporting guidelines – Manuscript in Medical Research...

    Reporting guidelines are tools that advise authors publishing a scientific...

    • Pubrica

    Reporting guidelines – Manuscript Writing in Medical Re...

    Reporting guidelines are tools that advise authors publishing a scientific...

    • Pubrica

    A Systematic Assessment of the impacts of integrated he...

    Complex system-wide projects, such as integrated care models, provide subst...

    • Pubrica

    In UK, observational investigation on vitamin D and COV...

    Mendelian Randomization (MR) experiments using the genetic variations assoc...

    • Pubrica

    In UK, an observational investigation on vitamin D and...

    Mendelian Randomization (MR) experiments using the genetic variations assoc...

    • Pubrica

    Meta-Analysis of population studies on the prevalence o...

    Chronic pain, which includes illnesses like low back pain and osteoarthriti...

    • Pubrica

    Meta-Analysis of population studies on the prevalence o...

    Chronic pain, which includes illnesses like low back pain and osteoarthriti...

    • Pubrica

    A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Writing and Writing I...

    Meta-analysis is a technique for summarising the direction and amount of ef...

    • Pubrica

    How do you write an original research article and have...

    The introduction sets the standard for the rest of your speech. It's divide...

    • Pubrica