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Planify is a fintech startup that is focused to build India's first Marketplace for Private Equity. Planify offer stocks that are yet not listed to Investors (Angel, Accredited Investors, VC, AIF and PE Funds) so that the exchange of hands can become easy in unlisted companies. It aims to solve the problem of the availability of IPO stocks to investors with its flagship product PreIPO. Startups and Private companies can raise funds on our platform.

joined at 4 years ago

    Taxation on unlisted share - Planify

    The tax treatment of unlisted stock trading is comparable to that of other...

    • Planify

    Anand Rathi Review 2020-21 | Unlisted Shares - Planify

    Company is one of India's few wealth management firms that works with clien...

    • Planify

    Martin & Harris Upcoming IPO

    Get complete information about Martin & Harris Upcoming IPO.

    • Planify

    What is returns of Money Back Plans - Planify

    Financial Planning Basic Rule Guaranteed income/investment plan offers fina...

    • Planify

    Studds Accessories Unlisted Stock Price | Planify

    before buying, selling, or investing in an unlisted pre-IPO share Studds Ac...

    • Planify

    Anand Rathi Board of Directors

    Mr. Anand Rathi is the Founder & Chairman of Anand Rathi. He is the one who...

    • Planify

    Anand Rathi Cash Flow statement

    Read about Anand Rathi Wealth Managment

    • Planify

    Anand Rathi Profit and Loss Statements

    Read about Anand Rathi Profit and Loss Statements.

    • Planify

    Reliance Retail Limited Pre IPO | Planify

    Reliance Retail Limited is India's largest retailer by revenue and the worl...

    • Planify

    Five Star Business Finance | How To Invest

    These loans are guaranteed by the collateral of the borrowers' home.

    • Planify

    Assam Carbon Unlisted Shares | Planify

    Assam Carbon Products Limited has been working in the field of carbon and c...

    • Planify

    Hero FinCorp Unlisted Shares Price | Planify

    Hero Fincorp is currently focused on consumer credit and commercial loans.

    • Planify

    Anand Rathi Financial Statements

    Get the information about Anand Rathi Annual Report .

    • Planify

    Anand Rathi Peers

    Anand Rathi Comparison with its peer competitor Motilal Oswal Financial Ser...

    • Planify

    MSEI Unlisted Shares - Planify

    We've also covered Deflation, Hyperinflation, Inflation Benefits, and Infla...

    • Planify