
Coronavirus affected livesand livelihood alike. Facing unprecedented challenges, people had to makeseveral changes in their lifestyle and the way they interact with others.Digital marketing companies are no exceptions.
However, one surprisingimpact of the pandemic was that many organizations realized the benefits of SEO in Saskatoon and other cities. The interest in SEO suddenly spiked when people got locked in their homes and theonline medium became the key platform for work, learning, purchases and evenmedical consultations.
Hereare 4 ways in which Saskatoon SEO trendswere impacted by COVID-19:
Massive search for pandemic relatedconcepts
- What are the symptoms of novel corona virus?
- Is COVID air borne?
- When will COVID vaccine be released?
Those are the kind ofquestions that we all were asking Google when the virus began to spread inearly 2020. It was critical to get up to date information on such matters.Google prioritized the content that would answer its users’ queries mostaccurately.
Interest also grew intopics that were not directly related to COVID but could keep peopleentertained or informed as lockdown restrictions continued. Many were lookingfor recipes, music, fitness activities and stress-reducing tips.
Thevisibility of websites offering such information depended on the efficacy oftheir Saskatoon digital marketing efforts and many of these were beinghandled by professional agencies.
More people have been searching forlocal businesses
Small enterprises were hitthe hardest by COVID-19. However, travel restrictions and supply chaindisruptions for bigger players also made some of these small shops safer and moreconvenient options for consumers.
Even one year after thiscrisis started, many people are supporting their neighbourhood shops. Tonurture their relationships with customers some local businesses are alsolooking for reliable solutions to helpthem market more effectively in the digital world. They want to keep theironline portals relevant with the information that users need.
An SEO company in Saskatoon can also help them to keep their socialmedia profiles and Google My Business page updated for quicker connections with customers.
Growing popularity of online shopping
Many of the traditional shopperswho were not interested in buying things online, started using digitalplatforms more frequently during the last one year. Even after the lockdownrestrictions were relaxed, people continued visiting stores virtually forsafety and convenience.
Forsmall businesses, such trends spurred a renewed interest in starting theironline shops. The companies offering solutions for digital marketing in Saskatoon recorded an increase in demand forecommerce platforms.
Many of the local storesthat wanted to provide omnichannel experiences to their customers, also decidedto add the buy-online, pick in store (BOPIS) option to their websites.
Content continues to be important
The future still looksuncertain. And some businesses – especially that had to stop their operationstemporarily - are still underestimating the significance of SEO and digitalmarketing. They are under the illusion that the returns in such investment willnot be significant.
However, the truth is justthe opposite.
Enterprises - even if theyare not operating at full capacity – can and should, use SEO services, particularlycontent development and optimization.
The top benefit of SEO in Saskatoon is that it offerslong-term results and helps a business to stay connected with its customerswhile also welcoming new prospects.
To conclude, this crisishas impelled us to make changes and it has proved that businesses do needdigital technologies to stay upbeat. SEO is a still a key resource forcompanies that want to be visible and grow strategically. So do not hesitate toinvest in it.
Author Bio: Saskatoon Digital Agency helps youmake your website an effective sales and marketing tool. With our web designand development solutions in Saskatoon, we build portals that drive businessoutcomes while nurturing best of customer experience.