
OptogeneticsMarket, By Sensors (pH Sensors, Genetically Modified Calcium Indicators,Neurotransmitter Release, and Voltage-sensitive Fluorescent Proteins), ByTechnique (Channelrhodopsin, Halorhodopsin, and Archaerhodopsin), ByApplication (Retinal Disease Treatment, Cardiovascular Ailments, Neuroscience,Behavioral Tracking, and Pacing), and By Light Equipment (Lasers, LEDs, andOthers) - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, And Opportunity Analysis,2018-2026
Optogenetics is an emergingmedical technique, which involves the use of light to control cells in livingtissues, especially neurons to help study the characteristics of normal andabnormal brain function. Optogenetics is an emerging field of biotechnologytrending among the fields of neuroscience, cardiology, ophthalmology,behavioral science, and other healthcare domains. The technique is widely usedto treat neurological disorders such as depression. Depression is caused bychronic stress that causes a series of negative memories. Optogeneticstechnology is used by placing the genes that express light-sensitive proteinsinto mammalian cells, which normally lack such proteins. When the proteins areilluminated with specific wavelengths of light, they change the behavior of thecells, thereby introducing certain types of ions or pushing out a few to alterelectrical activity. Furthermore, optogenetics has also been used in thetreatment of retinal disease and hearing impairment. Advancements inoptogenetics technology has led to a sound understanding of neuroscience.Presently, multiphoton excitation microscopy is the technique that is used forinvestigating optogenetic studies of live animal brain at single neuronresolution.
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Wireless microchips emerging as anew technology in optogenetics is expected to boost market growth
The major factor contributing togrowth of the global optogenetics market is the rising use of optogenetics inthe field of neuroscience. New developments in optogenetics such as wirelessmicrochips have enabled convenient treatment of conditions, includingdepression and Parkinson’s disease. According to World Health Organization(WHO) in 2017, it is estimated around 300 million people were affected bydepression globally which makes it the main cause of disability such asdecrease in self-esteem, feeling bored and loss of a direction or purpose . Furthermore, rampant advancements intechnology such as ultrafast laser tools, LEDs, ytterbium-based lasers are theother factors responsible in driving the growth of optogenetics market.However, reluctance in adoption of new technology by healthcare professionalsdue to high costs in the deployment of technology, lack of awareness regardingthe tools in emerging economies, and lack of availability of genetic reagentsthat can be conveniently used for probing biological processes are factorshindering growth of the optogenetics market.
On the basis of region,optogenetics market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe,Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America is expected to hold thedominant position in the optogenetics market, owing to the rising demand forlight therapy treatment for chronic pain in the region.
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For instance, According toMontreal Neurological Institute, the light treatment therapy has the ability tocontrol virtually any type of neuron in the brain with pulses of light, thusmaking it precise both, in terms of timing and type of cells affected. Thus,optogenetics has proved to have a much more targeted approach to chronic painrelief than the conventional methods, which cannot be localized with the sameprecision as a beam of light. Furthermore, Asia Pacific is expected to hold amajor market share in the global optogenetics market during the forecastperiod, primarily attributed to increasing adoption of optogenetic techniquesand ultrafast laser tools by several neuroscience labs.
Growing application areas foroptogenetics is expected to propel market growth
Key players in the optogeneticsmarket include Coherent, Inc., Thorlabs, Inc. Cobalt, Inc., Scientifica,Laserglow Technologies, Regenxbio, Inc., Gensight, Addgene, UPenn Vector Core,and Jackson Laboratories. The key players are focusing on strategic mergers andacquisitions and development of innovative systems. For instance, Coherent Inc.launched a new type of short pulse ultrafast laser sources that provides widewavelength (680-1300nm) tunability of the primary output as well assimultaneous high power (1.5 watts) output at 1040 nm. Furthermore, thiscombination makes lasers such as Chameleon Discovery ideal for demandingmultiphoton excitation application in optogenetics.
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