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Best Electric Smoker Woods for Different Types of Meat

Best electric smoker - Which wood works best for what type of meat? Apple is one of the popular woods to bring the best flavor in certain kinds of meat.

You have got the best electric smoker to start your bbq, but what about the woodchips?

The best thing about smoking is adding whichever flavor you want to add to your meat. And the best way to put flavor is by adding woodchips in your smoker. Unfortunately, many of us get confused about which wood to use for smoking meat, fish, vegetables, etc. The thing is that it's not rocket science– you can use any appropriate wood you want for smoking. It's just that some woods go well with certain types of meat, and that's all. 

If you want to perfect your food with the right flavor, then you are reading the right article. Here, we will give you tips on which woods are best for which type of meat. Because simply having the best electric smoker isn't enough for us perfectionists, we also need the right flavor of wood to charm our palette. 

Keep in mind that these tips are based on most people's preferences. It is perfectly fine if your taste buds don't agree with the popular choices, for we all have our distinct tastes.

Best woods for different kinds of food smoking

Your best electric smoker requires the best types of wood to bring the best flavor to your food. So let's see some of the most popular woods for smoked foods. 


Applewood is one of the most popular choices for smoking pork or beef. Applewood has a very distinct fruity flavor with a hint of sweetness. For most people, this is the go-to wood for most types of meat. You can also try it with poultry meat to give it a sweet flavor.


To make sure you get the best result from the best electric smoker, use the best wood to bring more awesomeness to your meat. Cherry is another of the top choices of woods – although cherry blends well with any meat, you will get the best results when you use it for pork, beef, and poultry. Its fruity flavor comes with a punch that makes your food smell and tastes more delicious.


Mesquite has quite a sharp flavor, and it's also very smoky –that means, if you want a strong smoky flavor in your meat, then you might want to opt for Mesquite woodchips. It is also a great choice if you're going to add distinct color to your meat. Dark meats such as Texas Brisket, Tex-Mexbarbacoa, duck, lamb, etc., taste great with Mesquite woods.


Hickory – a wood that blends well for all types of meat. PerhapsHickory is one wood that every chef who smokes meat keeps in his/her stockpile. It goes well with almost all kinds of meat, but if we must specify, use it to smoke pork, ham, or beef.

What is best for my best electric smoker- wood chunk or woodchips?

Wood chunks and wood chips –what's the difference? And which one is better for smoking? 

Wood chunks are larger and take more time to burn, so they are appropriate when cooking for a longer time.

Wood chips, on the other hand, are small in size and burn faster. As a result, wood chips are perfect when the cooking session doesn't take a long time.