Online Portal for Reading & Submit Stories, Poems,Quotes and Art Works
Online Portal for Reading & Submit Stories, Poems,Quotes and Art Works
We at StoryMirror believe that there is a story behind everything and a story inside all of us. How a photograph got on a wall? How a person got a scar on his or her face? Stories, both simple and complex, reflect the very essence of our lives. StoryMirror, with a team of 'Creators' who have a literary vision, brings you an unprecedented platform to express yourself freely and share your untold stories with the world. Storymirror wants to be a part of your life, and help you bridge the gap between your stories and the readers worldwide.

StoryMirror covers plethora of 'Short Stories' and 'Poems' of several styles and forms, both fiction and non-fiction, varying in different genres like romance, mystery, horror, thriller, fantasy and more. StoryMirror gives its readers a vast array of creative work from thousands of authors and poets across India in three major languages namely: English, Hindi and Oriya. Furthermore, we are soon going to launch Marathi, followed by Telugu and Tamil, r