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joined at 4 years ago

    SharePoint 2019 Migration Approach

    SharePoint 2019 is Microsoft’s latest iteration. And there are several reas...

    • softwebsub1

    Enhance your software development process with DevOps

    In today’s world, business needs to be effectively agile to meet the ever-c...

    • softwebsub1

    Streamlining software delivery through a flexible and a...

    In the fast-moving world, digitization is sweeping across many industries,...

    • softwebsub1

    The ultimate DevOps checklist for successful app deploy...

    DevOps is quickly gaining traction across enterprises. And due to the outbr...

    • softwebsub1

    DevOps and Microservices – Creating change together

    The cloud-native software architectures are not complete without microservi...

    • softwebsub1

    Why enterprises should hire remote DevOps engineers

    Everything in DevOps, from development to integration is continuous. So, to...

    • softwebsub1

    Bbuild server-side application using Golang

    Golang is a statically written programming language with high performance a...

    • softwebsub1

    Why enterprises must not ignore Azure DevOps Server

    Azure DevOps practices enable IT departments to augment quality, decrease c...

    • softwebsub1