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joined at 5 years ago

    The curious case of Cash Vs. Digital| Diksha Technologi...

    The popularity of cash stems from the fact that almost 2 billion people glo...

    • dikshatechnology

    Impact of Digital Payments on Global Economy?| Diksha T...

    Recent research shows that economies that are more cash-intensive tend to g...

    • dikshatechnology

    Actual Impact of Digital Payments on Global Economy?| D...

    There is no denying that we are leading a digital lifestyle, and as more pe...

    • dikshatechnology

    What is Role Of The Digital Wallet Revolution in the Ec...

    The horizons of digital wallets are broadening by the day and changing rapi...

    • dikshatechnology

    What are the Best Practises in Customer Onboarding?

    Onboarding customers are the moment that helps service providers make or br...

    • dikshatechnology

    Five Must-Have Features in A Loyalty Management Solutio...

    Retaining customers is the biggest challenge faced by most consumer-driven...

    • dikshatechnology

    What is the Impact of Digital Payments on Global Econom...

    Economies that are more cash-intensive tend to grow slower compared to ones...

    • dikshatechnology

    Digital Customer Management Solutions| Digital Customer...

    Customer Onboarding- In a space where a consumer is spoilt for choices, cus...

    • dikshatechnology

    The Digital Wallet Revolution and its Role in the Econo...

    Digital wallets have varied functions, including P2P payments and other pay...

    • dikshatechnology

    What is Going Digital and What does Customer Want? | Di...

    In a space where a consumer is spoilt for choices, customer experience has...

    • dikshatechnology

    What are the Best Practises in Customer Onboarding? | D...

    MOBILE FINANCIAL SERVICES payment-enabled mobile marketplace that drives bu...

    • dikshatechnology

    Diksha Technologies Careers | Find Job Opportunities fo...

    If work is really about making a difference, you’ll love working at Diksha...

    • dikshatechnology

    TM Forum Digital Transformation World, Copenhagen 2020|...

    Meet team Diksha at Digital Transformation World 2020 as we bring the digit...

    • dikshatechnology


    Stiff competition, competitive offers, and costs – telecommunication compan...

    • dikshatechnology

    Diksha Technologies Corporate Social Responsibility| Di...

    Diksha Technologies Sustainable development of the social ecosphere in whic...

    • dikshatechnology