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joined at 5 years ago

    Gig Economy: The New Trend That Will Take the World

    The gig economy refers to a labor market that consists of freelancing or pa...

    • kimhill

    Leadership: A Mix and Match in a Hybrid Workplace

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the workplace we were familiar with is no long...

    • kimhill

    Maximize the potential of your organization with the hu...

    The Human Element is a highly effective way of creating high-performing cor...

    • kimhill

    Start now! Be more productive, be more influential

    The LIFO Method is a hands-on application of behavioral science that provid...

    • kimhill

    What is Harassment and Its Types

    Harassment is unwelcome behavior that offends you or makes you feel threate...

    • kimhill

    Six Telltale Signs of an Unhealthy Organizational Cultu...

    Organizational culture sets the context for everything an enterprise does....

    • kimhill

    The Curious Case of Bullying in the Workplace

    In 2018 FOX News had to pay 10 million dollars to settle several discrimina...

    • kimhill

    An Adventurous Tale of Culture and Diversity

    In an organization where various peoples from different age, generation, ba...

    • kimhill

    Positive Emotions At Work

    Dave, a hardworking young man, has been well known around the office for hi...

    • kimhill

    Up the Ladder, a Leader, and a Mother

    Nancy Green, president, and chief executive officer of Athleta, said that m...

    • kimhill

    The PERMA Model

    P.E.R.M.A model was developed by psychologist Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman. The...

    • kimhill

    History of the Term "Working-Mothers"

    In this very last century, the number of working mothers got drastically in...

    • kimhill

    Looking for a gate to the worlds of real PC gamers?

    Video game You might have spent your life on console gaming but you always...

    • kimhill

    The Paradox of Happiness in the Workplace

    How does it feel when you put those two words "Happy" and "Work" next to ea...

    • kimhill

    One Woman Two Jobs

    With the rise of career women, we hear the story of working mothers anywher...

    • kimhill