Are you counting your calories right? Consult with a nutritionist through a one-to-one live session.

Are you counting your calories right? Consult with a nutritionist through a one-to-one live session.
Many of us want to get a slim and fit body but are not counting the calories we taking right. At Book My Wizard you can learn from the expert nutritionist about it via one-to-one live video sessions which will be personalized and focused only on you. Only setting a diet plan won’t help you unless and until you do some physical work as well. We cannot control a few goals which we want as an outcome while working out. For example, we cannot control losing 10 kgs in 30 days, getting glowing skin, or fit into jeans or a dress we want to. Our transformation always depends upon our change from a normal lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle. Let us know few facts.
How can you set up a perfect diet plan - If you want to be fit and healthy you should use smart ways to kickstart your fitness journey. Design your perfect diet plan with the experts at Book My Wizard, where they will guide you live through one-to-one video sessions. You don’t have to skip food to lose weight. All it requires a perfect diet plan. Let us overview some points, how.
- You must calculate the total amount of calories you take on an everyday basis.
- Be sure that if you want to lose weight or gain some muscle.
- If you want to lose weight, slowly cut down the calories you are taking. You need to take small steps to do so. Remember you can not just directly jump to a conclusion. It cannot happen overnight.
- Set up your proteins, fats, carbs, nutrition in your diet plan.
- For protein intake, set a formula - 1.2 - 1.8 X bodyweight. You can take eggs, soy, milk, fish, pulses which have a high amount of proteins in them.
- For fat intake, set a formula - 0.30 - 0.40 X your targeted calories / 9. You can take olive oil, peanut butter, almonds, butter as a source.
- After protein and fast calculation, the number of calories left will the carbs you can intake. Rice, wheat, oats, bread, etc are the sources of carbs.
- Design your plan with the help of an expert according to your eating preferences, meal timings, your craving for foods, etc.
- Take the help of an expert to calculate the calories perfectly. You will be surprised that sugar and jaggery contain the same amount of calories. For example for 10 gms, sugar and jaggery contains 38 cal, and honey contains 34 cal. There is not much difference. That is why taking an expert’s advice while making a diet plan is a must. The certified nutritionist will tell you to have stevia as it contains zero calories.
Conclusion - To be very honest only a diet plan won’t help. If a diet plan helps one person, it is not necessary that it will work for you as well. Not all body is the same. That is why you need to consult an expert. With the help of an expert at Book My Wizard, you can post your queries for free and take free sessions as a new user. They will guide you by making a perfect diet plan and help you to reach your behavioral goal as well, like how many steps you need to walk in a day, how much water to intake and how much workout to do, and a lot more. For more information, you can directly connect with us at email -