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The benefits of deep tissue massage

A study on the benefits of deep tissue massage to those who suffer from chronic lower back pain was conducted. 26 patients aged between 60 and 75 years old were split into two groups. One group received therapeutic massage and the other group was treated to massages that were deep in the tissue. Participants were evaluated with three different scales that included the Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Index, the Quebec Back Pain Disability Check out this site Scale and the Visual Analog Scale.

Deep tissue massage can cause soreness, but the long-term benefits include relief from chronic pain. Many people are cautious about deep tissue massage as it can lead to the appearance of temporary soreness. Some consider deep tissue massage to be effective in relieving tension as well as chronic pain. Massage stimulates lymphatic and blood circulation that delivers nutrients to muscles. It also assists in cleansing cells by boosting the production of lactic acid as well as other waste products.

The main purpose behind deep tissue massage is to relieve the fascial restriction. As we age, our bodies' collagen fibers become more tightly bound. The tissues become larger because of hydrogen bonding which can lead to postural problems and an increased risk of injury. As a result, muscles that are adjacent become stuck. This may cause spasms and discomfort in muscles and can be associated by nausea. If you experience any discomfort from