
Posting online video is a fairly simple process. Informative videos that will educate people about something new or a way to solve the problems work very well online.
A video can be a real life recording of something you want to promote. For example if you are creating video on "better chess moves" you can show two player splaying the game with pawns moving and end the video with how the player with "that" move won the game.
A video can also be a simple slide show of text that will educate the viewers about a process. It can be a 10 tips or 7 tips slide show with a call to action in the end.
If you are good creating animation, it works very well too. There are many software applications available to convert the video into the kind of format that can be uploaded online.
Where to upload the video, so that everyone can watch it?
It entirely depends on what exactly you want to achieve from the online videos.
If you have created the videos for the sole purpose of traffic generation, then you must post your videos convertidor mp3 online at several "video portals" such as, Google Video, These video portals receive millions of hits everyday. If you make the video with a call to action in the end, you will end up receiving thousands of visitors in a matter of hours.
Another way is to post videos on your own website to educate the existing visitors about your product. This can be in the form