Name Shining LightHospice
Gender Male
Location Las Vegas
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At Shining Light Hospice, we believe that compassionate care should be the rule. That is especially true when a loved one is nearing the end of his or her life. These are among the most precious moments, and we do all we can to provide comfort, care, and the warmth of human touch.

joined at 3 years ago

    Hospices Opportunity In Las Vegas

    Hospice care is provided for people with a life-limiting illness or who hav...

    • shininglightus

    Four Levels of Hospice Care : Hospice Care Las Vegas

    Are you looking for some information on hospice care? Here, you will find a...

    • shininglightus

    What Qualifies For Hospice?

    Many people believe that a patient with a terminal illness is considered in...

    • shininglightus

    Hospice Care & Palliative Care

    Hospice Care, we provide both hospice care and palliative care While both s...

    • shininglightus

    Eligibility for hospice

    The team at Shining Light Hospice Care can help you evaluate eligibility an...

    • shininglightus

    What Is Hospice Care?

    Individuals struggling with the effects of chronic diseases such as cancer,...

    • shininglightus