
Tiamulin Market: Regional Analysis
North America is expected to holda dominant position in the global TiamulinMarketf over the forecast period, owing to the presence of key players inthe region along with several strategic mergers and acquisitions amongst thekey players. For instance, in 2015, US-based Eli Lilly and Company acquiredNovartis Animal Health Inc. and its product –Denagard (tiamulin hydrogenfumarate) and strengthen the position of Eli Lilly and Company’s animal healthbusiness arm Elanco US, Inc.
Asia Pacific tiamulin market isexpected to witness significant growth over forecast period, owing to increasein the number of pig farms in the region. For instance, according to report byFederal Statistical Office in 2014, China was the largest producer of pork witharound 48% of the total pork produced worldwide. Such increasing production ofpork is expected to propel the demand for antibiotics such as Tiamulin for thetreatment of pigs.
Furthermore, Europe tiamulinmarket is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period,owing to high rates of pork production, which is expected to increase demandfor antibiotic drugs, such as Tiamulin. For instance, according to a report byNational Pork Board, Europe is the second largest producer of pork worldwide witharound 23,866 thousand metric tons pork produced in 2016 and 23,675 thousandmetric tons pork produced in 2017.
Tiamulin is a pleuromutilinantibiotic drug, which is derived semi-synthetically from natural compound—pleuromutilin—originally produced by the mushroom–clitopilus scyphoides.Tiamulin is primarily used as veterinary medicine for treatment of pneumonia,prophylaxis of dysentery, and mycoplasmal infections in pigs and poultry. Itacts by inhibiting protein synthesis at ribosomal level and is present inpowder and injectable formulations. Antibiotic properties of Tiamulin aid intreatment of wide range of diseases caused by bacteria.
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Tiamulin Market: Drivers
Tiamulin aids in treatment andprophylaxis of several diseases such as dysentery, pneumonia, and mycoplasmalinfections in pigs and poultry. Increasing demand for pork and poultry meatalong with increase in pig farming and poultry is expected to propel demand forantibiotic drug tiamulin and fuel global tiamulin market growth. This is owingto the susceptibility of pigs and poultry animals to various types ofinfections and diseases. According to a report by National Pork Board, Chinawas the largest pork-producing country in the world. The country produced around 52,990 thousandmetric tons of pork in 2016, which was increased to 53,400 thousand metric tonsin 2017.
According to a report by FederalStatistical Office in 2014, the U.S. was the largest producer of poultry meatwith around 18% of the total meat produced worldwide. High production ofpoultry meat is expected to increase demand for Tiamulin antibiotic drug totreat poultry animals from various infections. This in turn is expected topropel growth of the Tiamulin market in the region over the forecast period.
Furthermore, initiatives byvarious private and government organizations for spreading awareness for use ofantibiotics in pig farms is expected to propel global tiamulin market growthover forecast period. For instance, in 2017, National Pork Board celebrated TheU.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week and World Antibiotic Awareness Week withorganizations such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)for spreading awareness for use of antibiotic drugs in pigs.
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Tiamulin Market: Restraint
Use of Tiamulin results in someside effects, which is expected to be a major factor hindering growth of theTiamulin market over the forecast period. Tiamulin injection can cause pain inthe animals and long-term treatment with Tiamulin results in its resistance inbacteria.
Furthermore, stringent regulationby U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sale of Tiamulin drugs is alsoexpected to adversely affect the tiamulin market growth. For instance, in 2013,U.S. Food and Drug Administration drafted new guidelines to ban the sale of anymedically use antibiotics for non-medical applications. In 2014, NovartisAnimal Health Inc. (now a part of Eli Lilly and Company) received warning formFDA, as it promoted its swine antibiotic product— Denagard (tiamulin hydrogenfumarate) for growth-promotion aspects.
Tiamulin Market: Key Players
Key players operating in theglobal Tiamulin market include Elanco Inc., Hester Biosciences Limited,Huvepharma AD, Jiangsu SEL Biochem, Shandong Shengli Co Ltd, and others.
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