
Global Theranostics MarketDrivers:-
Development of novel companiondiagnostic tests to be used with available treatment options is expected toboost the global TheranosticsMarket growth over the forecast period. Leading manufacturers are engagedin introduction of novel companion diagnostic tests in market. For instance,Illumina, Inc. announced launch of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration(FDA) approved extended RAS panel for identification of patients eligible fortreatment of metastatic colorectal cancer with Vectibix (panitumumab) in 2017.
Increasing adoption of companiondiagnostic tests by laboratories is further expected to foster globaltheranostics market growth over the forecast period. BloodCenter of Wisconsin'sDiagnostic Laboratories started offering Abbott RealTime IDH1 assay forpatients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in July 2018. Moreover, CancerGenetics, Inc. started offering FDA approved companion diagnostic Thermo FisherScientific's Oncomine Dx Target - the first Next-Generation Sequencing(NGS)-based Companion Diagnostic (CDx) test in 2017. Laboratory Corporation ofAmerica Holdings launched OmniSeq Advance in partnership with OmniSeq for tumorcancers in June 2018.
Partnerships and collaborationsby leading manufacturers to develop innovative companion diagnostics isexpected to foster global theranostics market growth over the forecast period.For instance, Foundation Medicine, Inc. and Pfizer, Inc. entered into apartnership for development, regulatory support, and commercialization ofcompanion diagnostics (CDx) in January 2018. Moreover, Qiagen, Inc., andFreenome partnered in June 2018, to accelerate the development andcommercialization of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) tests to enable precisionmedicine in cancer treatment.
Pierre Fabre and Roche have beenworking on development of a robust prototype immunohistochemistry assay as afuture companion diagnostic test for W0101 (the drug candidate which they aredeveloping together) and extended this collaboration in May 2018. AbbottLaboratories, Inc. collaborated with Celgene Corporation, and AgiosPharmaceuticals, to develop diagnostic tests on Abbott’s m2000 RealTime systemthat identifies certain genomic mutations associated with acute myeloidleukemia (AML) in 2016. These factors are expected to support globaltheranostics market growth over the forecast period.
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Theranostics involves combinationof targeted diagnostic tests with targeted therapy. It is also known ascompanion diagnostics, integrated medicine, Dx/Rx partnering, andpharmacodiagnostics. Implementation of theranostics into the patient care plan(in case of selected diseases for which diagnostic tests are available alongwith respective therapy) may turn into personalized therapy, which could furtherimprove medical outcomes.
Theranostics include use of specificdiagnostic test, which shows a particular molecular target on a tumor or anyother disease causing agent. Any disease pathophysiology involves specificbiological pathways, which are targeted with the help of diagnostic tests.Diagnostic images of the particular molecule then identifies presence of thespecific mutation or receptors (in case of cancer), which can be targeted withthe help of therapeutic agents. This approach avoids trial and error treatmentand could be used to offer patient specific treatment at the right time.Accurate dose calibration and precisely targeted approach could highly beuseful in management of chronic diseases such as cancer.
For instance, neuro endocrinetumors can be diagnosed to assess extent of disease via PET-CT (PositronEmission Tomography – Computer Tomography) using Ga-68 DOTATOC (a radioactivepositron emitter). Ga-68 targets somatostatin receptor (SSTR2) on the tumorcell membrane, and is injected through vein, which travels and binds to theSSTR2 indication the presence of tumor on PET scan. Furthermore, Ga-68 can bereplaced by a therapeutic agent to target the tumor.
However, improperly definedregulations for these tests coupled with inadequate reimbursement facilitiesare expected to hamper growth of the global theranostics market over theforecast period.
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Global Theranostics MarketRegional Insights:-
North America is expected towitness significant growth in the global theranostics market over the forecastperiod. Presence of leading manufacturers, collaborations, robust research, anddevelopment activities, and increasing adoption of companion diagnostics isexpected to support global theranostics market growth over the forecast period.Biocartis Group NV and Amgen, Inc. partnered to develop companion diagnostictest for Amgen's drug Vectibix (panitumumab) in 2017. For instance, GenomeCanada launched a national initiative for clinical implementation of precisionhealth in June 2018, which would ultimately impact global theranostics market growthover the forecast period.
Asia Pacific theranostics marketis expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period, owing tocollaborations in the region by global organizations and increasing awarenessregarding companion diagnostics. For instance, Qiagen collaborated with Japanbased clinical lab testing company, SRL, Inc. for introduction of new companiondiagnostics with new drug approvals in August 2018.
Key players of GlobalTheranostics Market:-
Key players operating in theglobal theranostics market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., BeckmanCoulter, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, AmeriPath, Inc., Illumina, Inc., F.HoffmannLA-Roche Ltd., Qiagen NV, Myriad Genetics, Inc., Agilent Technologies, AbbottLaboratories, Foundation Medicine, Inc., and Oxford Cancer Biomarkers, Ltd.
Key Development:-
In 2018, THERADIAG, a companyspecialized in vitro diagnostics and theranostics entered into partnershipagreement with Biogaran to supply its Lisa Tracker kits for Biogaran biosimilarmonitoring.
In 2018, Novartis AG, enteredinto an agreement with Endocyte, a US-based Biopharmaceutical Company whichdevelops targeted therapeutics for cancer treatment.
In 2018 RadioMedix Inc. and AREVAMed LLC, announced the Phase 1 trial for AlphaMedixTM in patients withsomatostatin receptor positive neuroendocrine tumors in the U.S. AlphaMedixTMis composed of a somatostatin (SST) analogue radiolabeled with 212Pb, anisotope used for Targeted Alpha-emitter Therapy (TAT).
In 2016, avant diagnostics andAmarantus Diagnostics have signed a letter of intent to acquire theranosticshealth, a protein analysis service provider.
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