Peptide-Based Gastrointestinal Disorders Therapeutics Market Analysis-2027
Peptide-Based Gastrointestinal Disorders Therapeutics Market Analysis-2027

Peptide-Based GastrointestinalDisorders Therapeutics Market Regional Analysis

North America Peptide-BasedGastrointestinal Disorders Therapeutics Market is expected to exhibit goodgrowth over the forecast period, owing to presence of major players andadoption of strategies such as mergers and collaborations by them for novelpeptide-based therapeutics. For instance, in February 2018, CipherPharmaceuticals Inc. acquired exclusive Canadian rights of the U.S. Food andDrug Administration approved drug Trulance (plecanatide) from SynergyPharmaceuticals Inc. After the acquisition, Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. willdevelop, market, distribute, and sell Trulance (plecanatide) in the CanadianMarket.

Asia Pacific peptide-basedgastrointestinal disorders therapeutics market is expected to exhibitsignificant growth over the forecast period, owing to increasing investmentsmade by players in the region to receive approval of novel peptide-basedtherapeutics. For instance, in 2014, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. receivedUS$ 15 million from Astellas Pharma Inc., a Japan-based pharmaceutical company,for initiating Phase III clinical trial of Linzess (linaclotide) in Japan, andreceive its approval from Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare in2016. Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Astellas Pharma Inc. were understrategic partnership since 2009 for developing and commercializing linaclotidein Japan.

Peptides are short chains ofamino acid monomers linked by peptide (amide) bonds. Peptide-basedgastrointestinal (GIT) disorders therapeutics are drugs that are used for thetreatment of various GIT disorders such as short bowel syndrome, chronicconstipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. In the recent past, some peptide-basedtherapeutics such as Trulance, Linaclotide, and Teduglutide received approvalfor the treatment of GIT disorders.

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Trulance is a guanylate cyclase-Cagonist indicated for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation inadults. Linaclotide is a 14 amino acid peptide that acts as an agonist ofguanylate cyclase C receptors in the intestine. It is a minimally absorbedagonist of guanylate cyclase C receptors in the intestine and is used for thetreatment of chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Teduglutide isa new recombinant analogue for glucagon-like peptide (GLP) -2, a naturaloccurring peptide, which is secreted primarily by the lower gastrointestinaltract.

Peptide-Based GastrointestinalDisorders Therapeutics Market Dynamics

Frequent approval and launch ofnovel peptide-based gastrointestinal disorders therapeutics in key regions isexpected to drive the global peptide-based gastrointestinal disorderstherapeutics market growth over the forecast period.

For instance, in 2017, SynergyPharmaceuticals Inc. received the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approval for its new drug TRULANCE (plecanatide) 3 mg tablet. This drug isindicated for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation(IBS-C) in adults.

In 2012, IronwoodPharmaceuticals, Inc. and Forest Laboratories, Inc. received the U.S. Food andDrug Administration approval for its drug called Linzess (linaclotide). Linzess(linaclotide) is a guanylate cyclase-C agonist used for the treatment of adultssuffering from irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) and chronicidiopathic constipation (CIC).

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In 2016, IronwoodPharmaceuticals, Inc.’s partner, Astellas Pharma Inc., received marketingapproval from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare for Linzess(linaclotide), and in 2017, Astellas Pharma Inc. launched Linzess (linaclotide)in Japan.

In 2012, NPS Pharmaceuticals,Inc. received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for itsdrug Gattex (Teduglutide (rDNA origin)). Gattex 0.05 mg/kg/d injection is anew, recombinant analog of human glucagon-like peptide 2, a protein involved inthe rehabilitation of the intestinal lining. It is indicated for the treatmentof adult patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS) who are dependent onparenteral support. Sucg frequent approval is expected to cather peptide-basedgastrointestinal disorders therapeutics market growth in near future.

Furthermore, increasingprevalence of gastrointestinal disorders is expected to rise the demand forpeptide-based drugs, which will in turn drive the global peptide-basedgastrointestinal disorders therapeutics market growth. For instance, accordingto the data published by the International Foundation for FunctionalGastrointestinal Disorder in 2016, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the mostcommon functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder and globally, around 10-15% ofthe population suffers from IBS.

Peptide-Based GastrointestinalDisorders Therapeutics Market Key Players

Key players operating in theglobal peptide-based gastrointestinal disorders therapeutics market includeIronwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc., NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc., SynergyPharmaceuticals Inc., Astellas Pharma Inc., Allergan plc., and CipherPharmaceuticals Inc.

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