
Automated Liquid Handling Systems- Competitive Analysis
Major players operating in AutomatedLiquid Handling Systems Market are focused on new product launches. Forinstance, in October 2017, Qiagen launched a next-generation DNA testingautomated workflow in collaboration with International Commission of MissingPersons (ICMP) for DNA identification through Qiagen’s instruments andconsumables for DNA extraction, liquid handling, and others.
Automated liquid handling systemsare multipurpose tools designed to perform multiple tasks in laboratories thatinclude sampling, mixing, and combining of liquid samples automatically. Theautomated liquid handling system facilitates elimination of samplecontamination and reduces manual work of lab personnel by performing severallaboratory tasks. These workstations are able to measure samples, add reagents,and ensure addition of liquids to bioassays in uniform pattern. The liquidhandling workstations differ in volume of samples that can be handled and areavailable with variety of integrated software to maintain the footprint of thetasks carried out by these instruments.
Market players are introducingcompact and user-friendly liquid handling workstations that can be operated insmall and mid-level laboratories, in order sustain in the competitive market.For instance, in January 2014, Hamilton Robotics introduced NIMBUS PCRworkstation at the annual Society for Laboratory Automation & ScreeningConference. It is a compact and affordable workstation that enables fast andflexible assay set up. Moreover, Tecan Group Limited introduced Fluent GxAutomation workstation in February 2018 that is designed specifically to meetthe stringent needs of clinical and regulated laboratories.
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Automated Liquid Handling SystemsMarket Dynamics
Pharmaceutical companies areincreasingly focusing on conducting number of research and developmentactivities as well as outsourcing such activities to academic and privateresearch institutes, which is increasing the number of new laboratory set-ups.This in turn increases demand for liquid handling systems, thereby fosteringthe market growth. Moreover, pharmaceutical companies are increasinglyoutsourcing their research to privately-based contract research organizations(CRO) to stay competitive in the exponentially growing pharmaceutical andbiotechnology medicines sector. For instance, in May 2018, Ritter Pharmaceuticals,Inc.—a developer of novel therapeutic products entered into an agreement withMedpace—a clinical research organization (CRO)—to conduct the first of twopivotal Phase 3 clinical trials for RP-G28 among patients with lactoseintolerance (LI). In October 2016, Sun Pharma—an India-based pharmaceuticalcompany—announced plans to increase its research and development activities byinvesting in a new R&D unit at Madhya Pradesh, India.
However, automated liquidhandling systems are unaffordable for medical settings in emerging economiesand small-scale laboratories, due to its high cost, which in turn is a majorfactor hindering the market growth. Moreover, stringent manufacturingrequirements for receiving commercial license and market approvals by various governmentalagencies such as the FDA and European Commission, increases the costs of thesedevices. Furthermore, integration of Information Technology (IT) in lab flowinstruments requires high manufacturing expenses, leading to elevated prices ofthese devices. The low cost options available in portable formats do notprovide accuracy and reliable test results. For instance, according to a reportpublished by Food and Drug Association (FDA) and A2LA Certification Board,2013, bending of tips due to external factors may result in around 10% errorsin pipetting accuracy in low cost automated liquid handling systems.
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Automated Liquid Handling Systems- Regional Insights
North America accounted for thelargest share in the Automated Liquid Handling Systems market, followed byEurope market in 2016, owing to rapid development and launch of novel tissueautomatic and robotic assisted liquid handling workstations. For instance, inJanuary 2014, Hamilton Robotics introduced NIMBUS PCR Workstation—a compact andaffordable pipetting workstation that enables fast and flexible assay setup forendpoint, real-time, qPCR or multiplex PCR.
Furthermore, several Europeancompanies are receiving funds from various public as well as private sources toconduct advanced research for developing drugs through progressive research andinnovation. For instance, in June 2017, Novartis AG received US$ 300 millionfund from Medicxi—an investor in life sciences research—to develop noveltechnology and therapies in areas ranging from diabetes management to roboticsurgery.
Moreover, biopharmaceuticalgiants are focusing on conducting clinical trial research in Asian countries,due to easy patient recruitment and availability of highly skilledprofessionals to conduct research experiments. This is resulting in risingnumber of research laboratories in the region. Such increasing number ofresearch laboratories is expected to propel the market growth. For instance, inMarch 2017, Herbalife Company partnered with Indian pharma company—Syngene toestablish their new R&D lab at Bangalore, India.
Major players operating in themarket are Aurora Biomed, Inc., Hamilton Company, Tecan Group Ltd, EppendorfAG, Qiagen N.V., Mettler-Toledo International Inc., Corning, Inc., Bio-RadLaboratories Inc., PerkinElmer, Inc., Agilent Technologies, Inc., DanaherCorporation, and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
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