
Smart contracts are incommutable, automatically running, self-executing programs. Once deployed, they remain the same and cannot be altered.
They said, “To err is human; to edit, divine.” Smart contracts are just machine codes. Yes, they are machines. So can we say that they never commit any mistakes or errors?
Not precisely. Human or machine, before executing anything, testing is a must to be on the safer side.
Accurate Testing Is Mandatory For Smart Contracts
Smart contracts handle high-value projects and transactions primarily. As a side project, smart contracts also allow individuals to exchange assets worth millions of dollars.
Minor bugs in the code might lead to the loss or theft of significant amounts of bitcoin or priceless NFTs. So to prevent these significant losses, smart contract testing is vital.
Users won't be able to fix any errors in smart contracts after they release them since they are immutable. To rectify a mistake, developers frequently need to deactivate a smart contract, construct a new one, then distribute it.
What Happens If Not Done With Testing?
A few problems arise due to a lack of testing or proper testing. They are as follows.
Re-entrancy Attack
Reentrancy vulnerabilities are simple to miss; thus, properly testing your contract before deployment is crucial. It is among the most prevalent smart contract problems.
It frequently enables numerous withdrawals from balances by exploiters, which might deplete the cash in your smart contract. To avoid reentrancy attacks, a tester must finish all changes before invoking external contracts.
Tailgating Attack
As soon as a transaction is submitted as pending, it becomes public. Fraudulent traders might submit transactions with more significant fees to ensure they are processed first.
Traders may replicate the contract and adjust the cost slightly higher to front-run your arbitrage possibilities. It might be problematic if your purpose is to construct arbitrage contracts.
Preventing smart contracts from these problems might be difficult. Developers can at least roll back the transactions by including a "transaction count" variable in their code.
Final Things
There is always a rehearsal before entering a stage. So why not smart contracts an exception? Smart contracts might be smarter but testing them makes them the smartest. Hence, testing is not an option but a priority.
Do you need any assistance? Get the best smart contract development services from an expert.