How to Change Data from Rows to Columns in Excel
How to Change Data from Rows to Columns in Excel
Most of the times you have to rebuild the Excel worksheet so that the rows are converted into columns and columns are converted into rows. If you copy and paste the data to rebuild the Excel table manually, then it will consume more time. In case you have a large data range, then it is impossible to do this procedure manually. Don’t worry; MS Excel has that feature which will do this procedure automatically. So, here’s how to change data from rows to columns in Excel.

Steps to Change Data from Rows to Columns in Excel

•    Select the data range which you want to change.

•    It can be any columns and rows.

•    Choose the data range by pressing on it.

•    Pull the mouse cursor.

•    Start copying the table by clicking on the Control and C keys together.

•    Additionally, you need to right-click on it.

•    After that, choose the Copy option.

•    You don’t have to use the Cut option or Control and X keys in case you wish to change the data.

•    Choose the empty spot on the Excel worksheet where you wish to paste the changed table.

•    Go to the empty Excel worksheet.

•    Start pasting the table on that worksheet.

•    When you paste new data above the old data, then the old data gets removed.

•    You need to right-click on the given space.

•    Move the mouse cursor above the “Paste Special” option.

•    Select the Transpose option.

•    The symbol starts showing the rows and columns on the screen.

•    The changing table starts showing in the given space.

•    You have to remove the old table from the Excel worksheet.

Steps to Change Data from Rows to Columns on Excel Online

•    Choose the data range which you wish to change.

•    You have to right-click on the chosen data range.

•    Choose the Copy option.

•    Select the empty spot provided on the Excel worksheet.

•    Choose the Paste symbol given on the Home option.

•    Choose the Paste transpose option.

•    This procedure will change data from rows to the column on Excel online.

How Do You Transpose a Table in Excel?

As the Excel features do not work properly with these tables, you have to change it to the data range. Here are the steps listed below to do this procedure:

•    Press on the Excel table.

•    You will get the “Table tools” over the Design option located on the upper side of the Excel worksheet.

•    Press on the Design option.

•    In case you are a Mac user, then choose the Table option.

•    Choose the Convert to Range option located in the Tools column.

•    Additionally, you can right-click on the Excel table.

•    Click on the Table option.

•    After that, choose the Convert to Range option.

Davis Johnson is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at
